Scripture reminds us of many accounts in which God’s people, equipped with the gospel, engaged with those in positions of power. The impact of unleashing the gospel in a government center has enormous potential for the promotion of healthy communities and nations. Ministry to State is advancing the Church’s reach into those government communities.
Ministry to State cares foremost about people, not policy. We believe God’s Word is full of wisdom for anyone seeking to integrate their faith with public service. We aim to create a community of study, prayer, and formation in order to encourage those whom God has called into public service.
Expose those in the government community to the transforming truths of the gospel through healthy relationships.
Provide encouragement and support in the development of a Biblical world and life view for those in government who make a profession of faith.
Strive to be instrumental in establishing and maintaining a Biblical conscience throughout the government community who both create and implement policy.
Provide a healthy means to connect the church in a non-partisan manner with those in government.
Promote and facilitate specific and intelligent prayer by the body of Christ for those serving in government.

Chuck Garriott is the Executive Director and founder of Ministry to State.

Rev. Dave Durant is the Operations Director for Ministry to State.

Rev. Steve Bostrom is a State Capitol Minister in Helena, Montana.

Rev. Jonathan Craig is a State Capitol Minister in Tallahassee, Florida.

William Carter is a Ministry Associate in Tallahassee, Florida.

Carlos & Cory Dimas are Ministry Associates for Latin American Embassies in Washington, D.C.

Rev. Del Farris is a State Capitol Minister in Denver, Colorado.

George Sayour is the State Capitol Minister in Raleigh, NC

Rev. John Hanna is a State Capitol Minister in Trenton, New Jersey.

Adam Smith is a Ministry Associate in Washington, D.C.

Rev. Nathan Newman is a Minister to Members of Congress in Washington, D.C.

Dave Stadler is a State Capitol Associate in Annapolis, Maryland.

Richard Sutton is a State Capitol Associate in Jackson, Mississippi.

Rev. Ron Zeigler is a State Capitol Minister in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.