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Ministry to State - New Jersey is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) and exists as a means to minister to those serving in the New Jersey state government through prayer, discipleship, and evangelism. 



Expose those in the government community to the transforming truths of the gospel through healthy relationships.



Provide encouragement and support in the development of a Biblical world and life view for those in government who make a profession of faith.


Strive to be instrumental in establishing and maintaining a Biblical conscience throughout the government community who both create and implement policy.


Provide a healthy means to connect the church in a non-partisan manner with those in government.


Promote and facilitate specific and intelligent prayer by the body of Christ for those serving in government.




Rev. John Hanna

Email John | Call: 201.739.2163

As a boy living in Alexandria, Egypt, John’s favorite animal was a lion. His curiosity never caused him to wonder what it would be like to stick his whole head inside a lion’s mouth. John is gratefully married to Nevine. Their children are Ashley, Gabrielle, David, Alex, and Leila. When they are all together, whether at home in Ramsey, NJ, or elsewhere, it’s usually pretty noisy.


Before attending Westminster Theological Seminary in 2005, John worked at being a lawyer in New Jersey and Maryland. He’s a graduate of the Washington College of Law at American University (J.D., 1992) and Binghamton University (B.A., Pol Sci., 1989). After graduating Westminster in 2008, John served for 2 years as Director of Campus Ministry at Graystone Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Indiana, PA. He was ordained in the PCA in 2011, serving as Associate Pastor with All Souls Community Church (PCA), Suffern, NY, for 7 years. In 2018, John began a 3-year tenure as Pastor of Restore Fellowship, Oakland, NJ, the English ministry of Korean Presbyterian Church of NJ.  

John believes that the opportunity to serve with Ministry to State in New Jersey brings together his education, experience, and interests. His hope is that in and through Ministry to State, the powerful, gracious, redeeming, dying and rising, truth and love of God though Jesus Christ in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit would be at work in and among the people in government in New Jersey.

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